Mahindra Two-Wheelers Ltd has partnered exclusively with Paytm to buy its vehicles online. Now The company will going to sale its Centuro motorcycles and Rodeo UZ scooters on the Paytm.
Mr Dharmendra Mishra, Vice President and Customer care Says, Mahindra That, "We are delighted to be a partner for online retail of the Mahindra R scooters and the Mahindra Centuro motorcycles.
Mahindra's association Paytm is yet another innovative experiment to reach to our PayTym customers. This innovation will prove our dealers to provide easier ways to purchase. This partnership has strengthens the customer's base to the entire audience including smartphone.
Mahindra UZO launched in Aug 2014 is equipped with advance technology and ATLA system, which better performance.
The UZO 125 has the first-in-class e front-fuelling Technology with fully digital dash incorporates functions of a speedo tachometer, odometer, tripmeter, indicator, clock, high-speed alarm accelerometer. It also has styled body graphics and coloured The other Mahindra product on off Paytm marketplace is the Mahindr range of bikes. Thus all these range of scooters and bike will be available for booking via Paytm at respective ex-showroom prices.
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